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1997-2000 Corvette LS1 Cold Air Intake System Blackwing

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Brand Logo SLP Performance Parts
Item ID: 616-021
Availability: Ships Directly From Supplier
   Pending Manufacturer Availability
Fits Years:
  • 1997-2000
$269.99 This Item is Not Eligible for Promotional Discounts
  • Description

1997-2000 LS1 Cold Air Intake System Blackwing

Stock air filter assemblies choke your C5 Corvette's performance before the fact by restricting air into the engine. Let your Corvette breath with this 1997-2000 Corvette SLP Blackwing Cold Air Induction System, the most technologically advanced air intake on the market. Install the Blackwing and you increase airflow by up to 90% over the stock unit. That translates into a gain of 18 hp. The C5 Corvette Blackwing Cold Air Induction System is so good, it even beats other aftermarket systems by up to 5 hp! This SLP 100% synthetic advanced filtration system tackles the job with its reusable filter construction that "out-flows" the competition, while it captures the most miniscule dust particles. The assembly also includes a unique Flow Indicator - a simple gauge that changes color when the filter needs to be cleaned. Simple bolt-on installation requires no modifications.

  • 90% More Airflow
  • 18HP Gain
  • SLP Exclusive
  • Includes SLP's Unique Flow Indicator

Also known under these part numbers: (For reference only)

  • 21110E
  • 871782000324
  • SLP21110E
Prop 65