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2005-2013 Corvette Jake Skull Belt Buckle and Woven Seat Belt Strap

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Brand Logo Buckle-Down
Item ID: 677-100

Availability: Select options for availablity
Fits Years:
  • 2005-2013
GM LogoGeneral Motors Licensed Product.
  • Description

2005-2013 Jake Skull Belt Buckle and Woven Seat Belt Strap

This Jake Skull Seat Belt Inspired Belts resemble an actual seat belt and are designed to be worn as a belt with your favorite jeans or pants. The unique and exceptionally detailed graphics will make this belt stand out more than any others that you currently own.

  • General Motors Licensed Product
Sizes:  L = 24"-38", XL = 32"-52"

Also known under these part numbers: (For reference only)

  • 700146463928
  • 700146986274
  • JS-W10200
  • JSW-10200XL