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1997-2019 Corvette MSD Atomic Automatic Transmission Control Module Wiring Harness

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Brand Logo MSD
Item ID: 698-164
Availability: Ships Directly From Supplier
   Pending Manufacturer Availability
Fits Years:
  • 1997-2004
  • 2005-2013
  • 2014-2019
$245.99 This Item is Not Eligible for Promotional Discounts
  • Description

1997-2019 MSD Atomic Automatic Transmission Control Module Wiring Harness

There is no reason to settle on just three gears or the kickdown linkage of an automatic transmission with the number of electronically controlled four speed automatics that are available these days. MSD will take the mystery out of setting up or programming an automatic trans with the Atomic Transmission Controller.

The Atomic Trans Control Module (TCM) is based off the popular Atomic EFI series with the same goal of making installation and setup simple. The TCM, requires a Harness Kit to match your application. Harness Kits are available for most GM four speed automatics. Once connected, you’ll be able to easily modify the operating parameters of your transmission such as the shift points, torque converter clutch behavior, shift firmness and more!

This harness is required to install your 1997-2019 MSD Atomic Automatic Transmission Control Module.  Hook up your Atomic TCU with MSD Atomic transmission control module harnesses. They are designed to fit your specific transmission model and have the proper wiring connector for a direct fit.

Control Module Sold Separately.  This is the Harness only.

Applications:  Wiring Harness, Atomic TCU,

  • GM, 4L60E
  • 4L65E
  • 4L80E
  • 4L85E
  • 4L70E
  • 4L75E,

Also known under these part numbers: (For reference only)

  • 085132027705
  • 2770
Prop 65