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1997-2004 Corvette Transmission Fluid Pan 4L60E High Performance Cast Aluminum

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Item ID: 611-961
Availability: Ships Directly From Supplier
   Pending Manufacturer Availability
Fits Years:
  • 1997-2004
$349.99 This Item is Not Eligible for Promotional Discounts
  • Description

1997-2004 Transmission Fluid Pan 4L60E High Performance Cast Aluminum

This transmission pan was designed specifically for C5 Corvette owners who push their Corvettes to the limit and for owners who just want to take care of their Corvettes. This pan would also be useful for those people that are using the LS series engines and transmissions in their early vehicles.

  • Pan holds four quarts more than stock.
  • Heavy Duty sand cast aluminum with raised fins.
  • 3/16-inch wall construction adds strength to the transmission case.
  • 3/8-inch machined gasket flange will not bend when the bolts are tightened.
  • Fins on the bottom of the pan and the extra capacity help to keep the transmission fluid cool, and this will help reduce wear and tear on the transmission.
  • The fill hole, drain hole and magnetic drain plug allow for easy servicing.
  • There are three bosses cast into the pan (two on the passengers side, one on the drivers side) that can drilled for a temperature sending unit to allow for monitoring of the fluid temperatures.
  • The inside of the pan has cast in filter supports so that filter extensions are not needed. These filter supports allow for the use of many easily available filters.
  • PML supplies high quality mounting hardware and instructions.

Also known under these part numbers: (For reference only)

  • 8650-3 CAST