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1992-1996 Corvette Billet & Urethane High Performance Motor Mounts

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Brand Logo Prothane Motion Control
Item ID: 642-606
Availability: Out of Stock
Fits Years:
  • 1992-1996
$419.99 This Item is Not Eligible for Promotional Discounts
  • Description

1992-1996 Billet & Urethane High Performance Motor Mounts

Our 1992-1996 Billet & Urethane High Performance Motor Mounts will secure your engine even under severe torque loads!  Prothane Motion Control Engine Mounts provide a stable platform for your engine package to transmit rock steady horsepower and torque forces through your Corvette's driveline to the rear wheels. 

  • Fits 1992-1996 Corvettes
  • Prothane Motion Control

Learn more from the following Mid America Motorworks Knowledge Library article:

Corvette How to Check Your Motor Mounts

Also known under these part numbers: (For reference only)

  • 636169212000
  • 7-526