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1954-1964 Corvette Coker Firestone Deluxe Champion Blackwall Bias-Ply Tire

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Brand Logo Firestone
Item ID: 643-166
Availability: Ships Directly From Supplier
   Pending Manufacturer Availability
Fits Years:
  • 1954-1962
  • 1963-1964
$309.99 This Item is Not Eligible for Promotional Discounts
  • Description

1954-1964 Coker Firestone Deluxe Champion Blackwall Bias-Ply Tire

As the Corvette entered its sophomore year, Firestone was introduced as an OE supplier to the model. The union began with the addition of Firestone's Deluxe Champion Tire. Our C1 and C2 Corvette Firestone Deluxe Champion Bias-Ply Tires are made from OE molds to maintain the highest level of authenticity. However these reproduction Firestone Tires utilize higher quality materials adding even more quality and reliability to this legendary tire. Not only would an original set of these tires be quite expensive but very hazardous for highway use due to their age. So wrap your 1954-1964 Corvette's wheels in a fresh set of Mid America Motorworks reproduction Firestone Deluxe Champion Tires and go do some cruising.

Tech Specs:

  • Size 6.70x15"
  • Intended Rim Width 5"- 6"
  • Section Width 7.01"
  • Tread Width 4.50"
  • Overall Diameter 28.30"
  • 4 Ply Poly Construction

Learn more from the following Mid America Motorworks Knowledge Library articles:

C1 1953-1962 Corvette Wheel and Tire Reference Guide

C2 1963-1967 Corvette Wheel and Tire Reference Guide

Also known under these part numbers: (For reference only)

  • 568800
  • 842199102956