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1953-2019 Langka Deluxe Paint Chip Repair Kit

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Item ID: 671-221
Availability: Out of Stock
Fits Years:
  • 1953-1962
  • 1963-1967
  • 1968-1982
  • 1984-1996
  • 1997-2004
  • 2005-2013
  • 2014-2020
$45.99 This Item is Not Eligible for Promotional Discounts
GM LogoGeneral Motors Licensed Product.
  • Description

1953-2019 Langka Deluxe Paint Chip Repair Kit

Langka Deluxe Paint Chip Repair Kit

IF you can "catch" your fingernail in a scratch or chip, this Kit AND our Corvette touch up paint is all you need to repair unsightly paint chips, including ROAD RASH and deep scratches.

Packaged in a decorative clamshell for easy storage and with complete directions.

This Kit Includes:

  • The original "The Blob Eliminator" (2oz) (enough to do 40-50 chips)
  • PREPAINT (2oz) for cleaning the chips prior to applying touch up paint
  • Paint Sealant (2oz) to protect and seal the finished repair
  • MicroBrush (3) a unique and versatile applicator for applying touch up paint to INDIVIDUAL chips OR a hundred ROAD RASH chips OR for paint application for deep scratches. This applicator allows more paint to be applied to "fill" chips/scratches better than any other application process. OR you can smear paint as need when repairing ROAD RASH . Filling the damaged areas is critical for achieving the the best repair on your vehicle.
  •  Plastic Squeegie Card (1) a unique card used in this process for a better quality of repair.
  •  Micro-fiber Cloth (1) for wrapping around the plastic card

Also known under these part numbers: (For reference only)

  • 686420037149
  • PCR