Mid America Motorworks battery cables provide the finishing touch for any original or restored Vintage Corvette.
These reproduction battery cables were reproduced from original GM blueprint specifications. They pass all judging standards.
The spring and bolt-type battery cables are die-cast just as they were originally made, to give the correct appearance and durability.
Reproduction battery cables have become a controversial issue when it comes to quality and authenticity. Our battery cables are reproduced
with an eye toward quality and judging standards. In order to help you in the selection of authentic reproduction battery cables,
the following list of guidelines are used in cable construction. The technology employed in the production of battery cables may not be
readily apparent when you first look at cables.
These reproduction Corvette Battery Cables address the following issues.
Spring Steel Inserts
To comply with original factory
specifi cation, all of our spring ring battery cables employ a quality spring
steel inset molded directly within
the lead terminal. The purpose of
the inset is to maintain the shape of
the battery post opening and closing
of the lead terminal. This insert is
molded into the lead terminal head.
In some cases, such as in the original
“Spring Ring” design, it is an integral part of the opening and closing
operation and is quite visible. Most
inexpensive battery cables and cheap
aftermarket replacements do not employ this spring steel insert.
Lead Composition
The chemical composition of the
lead is critical to the production and
behavior of the lead terminal. Original factory specifi cations call for a
very specifi c mix of elements in the
lead terminal. This mix can affect the
strength, brittleness and appearance
of the fi nished product. However, all
lead oxidizes and will turn dark over
time. Dielectric lubricants are recommended for installation.
Wire Gauge
Many production battery cables were produced using 6-gauge wire.
During the late 1950’s and early
1960’s, the demands on electrical
system were not signifi cant enough
to warrant larger gauge wire. However, air conditioning, power seats and
windows, high compression motors,
etc. placed greater demands on the
electrical system and the battery
itself. Original factory equipment was
enhanced by heavy-duty charging
systems options. These systems employed 4 gauge and 2 gauge battery
cables in production automobiles. In
today’s world, it is foolish to consider
using a 6 gauge cable when a factory
heavy-duty 4 gauge cable was available as an original equipment option.
Beware of “heavy wall” cable that is
nothing more than extra PVC insulation over a 6 or even 8 gauge cable
made to look like a 4 gauge cable.
Wire Composition
While the wire gauge is important,
the actual copper wire characteristics are also important. The cooper
wire within the cable is made up of a
specific number of individual strands
which must be the correct gauge. These strands bundled together determine the current carrying capability
of the cable. This is another one of
those items that can’t be seen on the
outside but plays a critical part in the
quality of the cable.
Wire Coatings
Most production battery cables were
constructed with PVC coating capable of temperature ranges from -40
degrees F to 176 degrees F. this is
acceptable for most applications. Unfortunately, there are different grades
of PVC coatings that do not provide this range of protection. The difference is
not detectable to the untrained eye.
Wire coatings are amiable that provide protection from -60 degrees F to
275 degrees F that are only marginally
more expensive to produce. These
materials are being used today, and in
some cases, were used in the 1970’s.
All of our battery cables comply with,
or exceed the original factory specifications for wire coverings.
Mold Quality
Simple things like absence of metal
flashing, even mold parting lines, lettering, etc. all contribute to the quality of the finished product. The ascetic
appearance of the product does not
affect its functionality. However, this
is not a reason to compromise appearance for the sake of reducing the
initial tooling costs of the product.
There are many more technical issues to be considered
in the construction of battery
cables which are beyond this basic discussion. The main
point to consider is that compromises
made in the product design and raw
materials do in fact compromise the
quality of the final product. Therefore,
when you buy a cheap cable, you get
cheap cable!
All of our Corvette Battery Cables
are manufactured as originally designed
and meet or exceed the manufacturer’s
- Correct Spring Ring molded head
with spring steel insert
- Original part number markings
when applicable
- All cables are produced in exact
cable gauge and color
- Cable ends molded in correct color
(red or black)
- Correct grommets