VW Speedometer Cable Tech Tips
If your VW Speedometer has stopped completely, first test the speedometer head to see if it has frozen and broken your cable. To test the speedometer head: First, unscrew the cable at the speedometer head. Then, insert a small screwdriver in to the head socket and rotate it to see if it turns freely. If it’s frozen, you must replace the speedometer before you replace the speedometer cable.
It is recommended to grease the cable before installing it. This will also help eliminate the “bounce” sometimes noted in the Air Cooled VW’s.
A common symptom of VW Speedos is a vibration or flicker of the needle.
This is often caused not by the speedometer or cable but by the square hole in the Front Wheel Bearing grease cap being worn or out of true.
Quarter Window Latch & Speedometer Cable Retaining Clip. Item # 375-578
Front LH Wheel Bearing Cap with Hole. Item # 396-184
Speedometer Cable. Item # 313-218