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VW Beetle Tech: Easy as 1, 2, 3!

VW Beetle Tech: Easy as 1, 2, 3!

The fun part of planning a garage project is choosing style, planning supplies and picturing the finished product. At first glance, installing a Headliner can seem like a daunting task. With a little knowledge, care and plenty of enthusiasm, you will have a professional looking headliner that you will certainly be proud of!

Air Cooled VW Headliner Installation Instructions

Here’s a list of the Items you’ll need for the Headliner installation:

  • Patience: This Looks Easy But Allow For It To Take All Day!
  • Contact Adhesive
  • Steam Gun
  • Flat Head And Phillips Screwdrivers
  • Light Hammer
  • Small Clamps
required tools

Let The Games Begin!

  • STEP 1. It’s always a good precaution to disconnect the battery before working on your VW.
  • STEP 2. Remove front and rear seats. * Tip: Beetles and Ghias up to 1972 have a spring safety plate on the front seat right lower seat rail. Press this down with a flat head screwdriver or similar to enable the seat to slide forward off the track.
  • STEP 3. 1967 and earlier Beetles: Remove the rear window and both quarter windows. On 1968-up remove rear window, both quarter windows and the windshield. * Tip: Check condition of window weatherstrip. This may be a good time to replace it.
  • STEP 4. Remove rear quarter interior panels and rear seat crossmember.
  • STEP 5. Next, remove the grab handles, rearview mirrors and sunvisors.
  • STEP 6. Now you’re ready to remove the sewn post (rubber thing) from each door side and bend the prongs out with a screwdriver to accept the new liner.
  • STEP 7. Pull the old liner out starting at the front. Save the headliner bow rods for the new headliner. These can be straightened unless they are badly out of shape. If necessary, replace them.
  • STEP 8. Check the bow end caps, and replace, if necessary.
  • STEP 9. Wash your hands to avoid getting spots or marks on the new headliner material.
  • STEP 10. Install the new sewn post into the prongs using a hammer to bend the prongs into the rubber. Glue the material around the door post. * Tip: It may look like you have lots of extra material. Hold off trimming the extra material around the lower window until later to be sure.
  • STEP 11. Insert the headliner bows into the new headliner starting at the front with the smallest bow, ending at the rear with the longest. Be sure that the rods and material are aligned properly. On pre-1967 Beetles with cardboard strips, insert the cardboard into the grooves above the windshield. On 1968 and later Beetles and Super Beetles, glue the headliner around the front windshield lip starting at the center and working out to the sides. * Tip: Check the instructions on the adhesive. We found applying contact adhesive to the roof, window lip and fabric worked best, if we waited for the glue to become tacky. Keep in mind that the glue will remain tacky for up to 30 minutes – take your time to get it right. We recommend using small clamps, about 60-90, for best results.
  • STEP 12. With the front attached, pull the headliner snug around the lip of the rear window and glue along the top edge of the rear window opening. If you are having difficulty getting rid of the wrinkles, apply steam to those areas as you pull them tight. Cut relief slits in the material in order to position the headliner correctly. NOTE: Be careful not to slit material that will be visible when you complete the installation.
  • STEP 13. At the quarter windows and door openings, pull each of the sewn seams snug, eliminating wrinkles, and glue around the lip. You will almost certainly need steam on the wrinkles to iron them out. Make small cuts in the material as before to release the tension. Along the door openings, use a putty knife to push the liner into the groove.
  • STEP 14. Now that the top is in place, glue around the wheel wells. Start at the front and move toward the rear of the vehicle, pulling and steaming to remove wrinkles, and glue around the wheel wells. Repeat this process around the lip of the quarter windows and the rear window.
  • STEP 15. Before trimming the excess headliner material using a razor blade or scissors, be sure to check for any spots that didn’t stick and re-glue.
  • STEP 16. Replace the window glass, seats and other items that were removed and re-connect the battery.

That’s it! You have successfully installed a new Headliner and you’re ready to show it off!

*Tip: It is important to note that on sunroof models, you should install the complete headliner first and then cut out the sunroof opening.

Beetle Headliner Headliner Removed Installing Headliner Around Doors Installing Headliner Around Windows Finished Headliner Install