Volkswagen Window Installation
Instructions for Installing Glass in your Classic VW
This is an instructional document on the methods we have found useful in installing window glass in Air-Cooled Volkswagens. We cannot guarantee you will not crack or break your glass.
Glass Removal
- If you are trying to save the glass, cut the old weatherstrip with a razor knife.
- To attempt to save your weatherstrip, remove the glass and weatherstrip together. First soften the rubber using GoJo hand cleaner with lanolin and no pumice or any soap-based lubricant. It will not stain upholstery and washes off with water.
- If you are not saving your weatherstrip and want new weatherstrip for re-installation, be sure to order the correct weatherstrip for your VW.
- We are assuming here that you have the chrome molding in your seal, but it does not matter if you have the “American Style” with molding or “Cal Style” without molding for the installation.
NOTE: For aluminum chrome molding (1970 and earlier models), the molding goes into the seal BEFORE installing the glass into the vehicle. For plastic chrome-look molding, the molding is installed AFTER the glass is in the car. DO NOT try to remove the chrome trim before removing the glass. Leave it in place, as you are very likely to damage the fragile trim.
- Remove the interior mirror and put in a safe place for re-installation.
- Use a thin, flexible putty knife and start at the inside middle of the windshield, above the interior mirror.
- Gently start prying on the rubber flange that holds the windshield. Work the putty knife slowly all the way around. Start in the middle and work equally in both directions while applying gentle pressure out. Do not apply excessive pressure at any one point. DO NOT RUSH!
- Once the window is out, lay it down on a clean work bench, outside down.
- Remove the weatherstrip and trim from the glass. Carefully clean all the grooves, particularly if the glass was broken into small pieces.
- Install the rubber onto the new glass and hold it temporarily using soap based lubricant or GoJo to help maneuver the glass into the groove. Masking tape or a helper will hold the seal in place. Clean the lubricant off the glass so tape adheres.
- If you have the aluminum molding, start the process of reinstalling the trim. Leave the center joiner clips slid off to one side of the joint. Be sure that everything is centered on the glass. Hold everything in place with masking tape. Leave the tape in place. It can be removed after the window is in place.
- Use the window installation tool (part number 361-093) to install the window. Insert the chord into the weatherstrip groove that holds the window in place, with the 2 ends over lapping at the bottom center of the glass. Leave a couple feet of extra chord hanging out. Coat the entire outer surface of the weatherstrip with a soapbased lubricant. (You can use electrical wire if you prefer it to chord, however be careful not to tear the seal).
- With the help of a friend, set the window back into the opening with the chord ends on the inside. Try to set the window so that the bottom weatherstrip will start back over the flange on the body. Don’t worry about the top for now.
- With your friend, gently applying pressure from the outside. Start pulling on the ends of the chord or wire, alternating back and forth to get the window started in the center, working toward the corners.
- When you get to the lower corners, stop. Move to the outside and start gently slapping the window with your open palm in a downward motion. This will help settle the window onto the lower flange. As it settles on the flange, the top will start to line up.
- With the lower flange started, now start working alternately up the sides. Move to the outside and gently slap the sides into place. The top should get closer to starting as you progress.
- With the sides started, slowly work your way across the top, alternating from side to side, gently slapping the glass to get it to settle into place. Your friend on the outside can watch the chrome strips to make sure they stay in place. When the rubber flange is over the body flange all the way around, go to the outside and gently slap the window until you are satisfi ed that the window is seated completely
- If you have the aluminum molding slide the trim joiner pieces back over the joint in the trim with a screw driver and remove the masking tape.
- With a clean damp rag go over the painted surfaces and inside upholstery to clean off the lubricant. Your VW is now ready to drive with a new window.
This 4-piece Weatherstrip & Door Panel Installation Tool Kit, enables to you to remove or install your old and new VW weatherstripping or door panels. You’ll glide through your restoration in a snap! We’ve included the tools you need to remove the old retainer clips, adhesive, and weatherstripping and then install your new weatherstripping.
Window Installation Tool With 6 Meters Of 4mm Diameter Cord. If you are installing any Volkswagen glass or replacing weatherstrip, then you will fi nd this tool very useful. Use this tool with 6 -meters of cord for installing side glass, windshields, quarter windows and large rear glass. Its design will allow you to insert the cord into weatherstrip grooves for an easier installation.
Window Clip Removal Tool