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1950-1979 Mutiple Quality Levels of Weatherstrip

1950-1979 VW
Multiple Quality Levels of Weatherstrip

As part of MID AMERICA MOTORWORKS’ ongoing effort to enhance the VW hobby, we have expanded our offerings to be the most accurate and comprehensive in the market place. Every owner chooses to enjoy their VW differently. Some are daily drivers, some are full blown customs, while others are original low mileage cars that rarely see street duty. Our multi-line quality selection of parts reflects the different needs and demands of the VW and its owner. The quality levels OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and REP (Reproduction of Original Equipment) address each of these needs and uses. We offer multiple lines of quality parts from different sources, made of different materials and at price points that allow our customers to select the product that best suits the needs of their particular VW.


OEM weatherstrip

Original Equipment Manufacturer

Original Equipment Manufacturer. The product is manufactured by the same company that made it for Volkswagen to assemble into your vehicle. Some examples people are familiar with are: Bosch electrical items, FAG and SKF bearings, TRW steering parts, Boge and Sachs shock absorbers, LUK and Sachs clutches, Febi Bilstein steering, suspension and engine parts, Kolbenschmidt engine bearings, Mahle pistons, Cofap engine parts and dampers.

Examples of OEM Use: Top quality restoration, show car or a very original car.


OEM weatherstrip

Reproduction Part

A reproduction of the original part. Made to fit, work, look and finish as the original.

Examples of REP Use: Daily Driver