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Air Cooled VW Door Panel Replacement Tech Tip

Air Cooled VW Door Replacement Tech Tip

Air Cooled VW Door Panel Replacement Tech Tip

Although the VW Beetle Door shell itself is the same from 1968-1979, the inside panel is unique to the respective year groups of 1968-1970, 1971-1973 and 1974-1979. Applications from 1968- 1973 will require the old armrest tang to be chiseled off and welded to the new door. Applications from 1971- 1973 will require repositioning of the door latch mounting studs. This is a small concession considering that new doors are no longer made specifi cally for 1968-1973 models.

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Door Panel Sound Deadener, 1/8” Ensolite Material
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Door Panel Vapor Barrier, Does Both Sides.